
Roam Mobility: An American SIM Card for Canadian Phones


For some people, flying on an airplane scares them while for others it’s the thought of planning a trip that stresses them out. What gets me nervous is knowing that when I return home, there is going to be a bill from my local phone provider with a long list of extremely high data roaming charges, SMS fees and phone charges wait for me.

Roam Mobility SIM Card

An American Sim Card for Canadian Phones

As a frequent traveller, one of the places I tend to travel to often is the United States of America because being from Canada, they are after all, who we share the longest border with. That being said I could never understand how the local Canadian phone companies can gauge their loyal customers with exuberant high charges. What if I told you there was a US roaming SIM card exclusively designed to offer Canadians competitive data, call and text rates when visiting the good ol’ U.S. of A.Let me introduce you to Roam Mobility, a service I’ve used twice on visits to New York City. The service worked so well I reached out to them to see if they would send me a SIM card and data for an upcoming trip to a TBEX (Travel Blogger Exchange) conference in Corning, NY. They were gracious enough to not only send me a SIM card they also sent a SIM card to the two travel bloggers I was driving down with. (Kevin from the Wandering Wagers and Kathryn from Kathryn Anywhere) This is how it works…


Coming to you from upstate New York powered by Roam Mobility on our way to TBEX #myFLxtbex and meet our friend travelingmitch

On an epic hike, chasing all the waterfalls we can! Cellular data powered by Roam Mobility in the USA.

Monthly Plans
Daily Plans
Snowbird Plans
Data-Only Plans

Choose a data plan that works for your needs like; Talk, Text & Data, Monthly, Data-Only or Snowbird (…for the retired couples who head off to Florida during the winter – making the rest of us jealous because we have to stay here in Canada during those long cold winter months. When I head over to Manhattan or Brooklyn in New York City for a long weekend I find 1GB for 7 days to be enough. Like most people visiting NYC, I know that I’ll be using social media to post foodie pictures and FB Messenger or What’s App to call my friends.

Running low on data? If needed you can always Top Up your account as you will always have to access to their website and your account and your current SIM card. I only ever needed to top up my account once and added 500MB to my plan to get me through the remainder of my trip. 

US Roaming Sim Card Coverage

Before you purchase a SIM card, I strongly recommend looking into the coverage area of the places you’ll be visiting as well as the route you’ll be taking if you driving. In a big city like New York, I had no problems with connectivity. However, on a recent trip to Corning, New York I found that in some small towns, pubs tucked away in corners or on smaller side roads the connection wasn’t always strong and consistent. On the main interstate or in Watkins Glen State Park (see above Facebook LIVE video) the internet was great. Just something to consider.

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